5 Simple Ways to Relate, Love and Enjoy Life

Our traditional societies were built on healthy family and community bonds. Our ancestors spent social time with family hunting, gathering, and caring for each other. In contrast, modern-day life thrives on migration and other forms of human relocation and familial separation. People must travel and live away from family and friends in search of better academic, professional, social, and economic opportunities.

This movement has led to the current state of human development, which is commendable. On the other hand, it has tremendously minimized our social interactions. In other words, our contemporary societies have somehow developed at the expense of humanistic interactions.

It is now scientifically apparent that relating is critical to our wellness. Health experts have discovered that relationships are as crucial to our wellbeing as is diet, exercise, and sleep. This knowledge has underscored connections as central to human existence, irrespective of economic status.

But how do we prioritize relationships in a situation of demanding productivity and limited social opportunities?

Here are five simple tips.

1. Prioritize socializing in your schedule

Dedicate time in your daily and weekly calendar to spend with the people you love. There can never be a meaningful relationship without spending time together physically.

2. Make social time a quality issue

Genuinely connect and interact when you are with the people you truly value. Do not just spend ‘me time’ amidst others and assume to have related.

3. Purpose to celebrate critical milestones

Purpose to honour anniversaries, birthdays and other life achievements for you and your loved ones. And most likely, they will return the favour and multiply your social opportunities.

4. Downgrade social media

There is a common belief that there are relationships in social media. The fact is, they are digital connections with little value in human interaction. The truth is, they are a danger to your authentic social life and holistic wellbeing.

5. Evaluate your close relations

We all spend time with toxic and fake people just to fit in and please others. Whether they are blood or friendly relations, they should replenish our souls and enrich our lives. If they don’t, they are harmful and time-wasting and should be cut off without mercy.

Every one of us needs to love and be happy. And relationships are the best and surest way to do that.