Breath Is Your Reliable Performance Shield Of The Day

We unconsciously breathe about 23,000 times a day.

Breath is a fundamental part of our existence because life begins and ends with a breath. But why am I writing about an obvious, autonomic process?

I have taken an interest in breathwork over the last few years and found the science fascinating. I have learnt that breathing is the gateway to many emotional and physiological controls that deliver immense benefits to the human body.

Notably, we are never aware that we breathe wrongly throughout the day, thus undermining our physical and emotional wellness. This is worsened by our current situation of wearing masks in most places, further constraining our ability to breathe correctly.

So what should we do under the circumstances?

We need to pay attention to our breathing quality and, most importantly, teach ourselves how to use breath to regulate our body and mental functions. Without going much into the details of a science that I am not certified in, here are a few simple things all of us can do.

  1. Breathe properly – Avoid breathing through your mouth. It reduces the quality of the air that goes into your lungs.
  2. Exercise regularly – Schedule short breaks within your work for a brisk walk or other light activities to help vary your breathing levels.
  3. Exercise breathing – Teach yourself techniques that deliberately alter your body and mind states to reduce stress or increase energy levels when you need to.

Breathe your way to better health today!